circad | circRNAs associated with diseases
 Genome Locusexon 3 of the PVT1 geneBuildhg19
 DiseaseAcute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaICD-10 Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia (C94.2)
 DBLinkLink to databasePMID29693417
 Experimental Method
 Sample TypeBone Marrow samplesComparisonBone marrow (BM) samples from 68 patients with AML, (20 patients,) and ALL, (48 patients, 27 B-cell and 21 Tcell ALL, median age 40 [14-68] years old)
 Method for EstimationQuantitative PCRPCR Details
No Primers FoundStatisticsFold Change : Upregulated
pvalue : p<0.05
Hu, J, Han, Q, Gu, Y, Ma, J, McGrath, M, Qiao, F, Chen, B, Song, C, Ge, Z (2018). Circular RNA PVT1 expression and its roles in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Epigenomics, 10, 6:723-732.